Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lists save Money!!

Okay, so my mother was a big list maker. I remember thinking, "Oh God, to be sooo old that you need to make so many lists. I will never do that!!" Well, I am hitting the big 39 this next month but in my book that is not old. I do however, want to save money and that requires good old list making skills.
The most obvious job as a money saving diva that requires a carefully planned list is...yes, shopping. Now, that may sound simple. No I have not reinvented the wheel but looking back on the early years with good old Momma, she always had a list prepared ahead of time and she never bought things not on the list.
First the list needs to be where everyone can see it. We have a list in our kitchen where it is accessible to everyone and when something is running low, like cereal, we write it on the list. This also gives the kids a chance to write down a school supply or other items they might need for school down for me and prevents any late night trips to the store for something they need at school the next day.
Second, the night before I go shopping, not the day of or 20 minutes before but the night before, I sit down with the community shopping list, go through the cupboard and refrigerator, look at my meal ideas for the week and finally I go through the weekly specials that are being run at the different markets. If there is a super deal on ground beef, for example, I make a plan to shop at that particular store and put a recipe on my weekly menu plan that includes the ground beef or make sure we have room enough in the freezer to freeze it. I have a weekly menu set up and that way the things I buy do not just sit in the refrigerator waiting for me to have a creative idea or molding while I try to get one. I get out my nice collection of recipes that the family will eat and plan my meals. No since in buying things and cooking them if they are just not going to eat them. I look at my recipes, look at the available bargains, plan my meals and then put the necessities on the list.
I also try to keep my list in season. That means I am not going to make a strawberry shortcake for desert during a time when strawberries are not in season and cost a fortune. So, my menus are also seasonal. I will post more about my menu ideas another day.
On shopping day, which for me is every Saturday morning, I dress and prepare like a woman heading off to do war. I make sure that I have a complete breakfast because when you shop hungry, you buy things not on the list. I choose one of my five daughters to go with me on the adventure and begin my preshopping briefing with that child. This usually is just a happy reminder that we are not buying anything but what is on the list. They are NOT to ask for anything that is not on the list or they will be banned from shopping for the next month. My husband knows he has childcare duties during my trip and keeps the other monkeys busy during that time. This is super imporant when it comes to saving money. Do not take children, unless you have to, when you are shopping. If you must, then you better give them the pre-war briefing about not buying anything that is not on the list. I find if I can ditch all the kids my shopping experience goes even better. Remember the retailers out there stick all kinds of colorful things that are expensive and totally not necessary on the eye level of your child. I find I also concentrate better and find better deals on the items on my list when I am not distracted by my children. However, I need to also spend quality time with my children so I usually take one with me. My oldest daughter is on shopping prohibition at the moment though because she tends to be very vocal and want things not on the list. It is better not to take her at all.
So, lesson number one. The list is the key. The list is gold. Pre-prepare the list and have a plan with what you want to make with the things you buy on the list. Lists do not make you old, they can five you freedom, save you money and make shopping easy and efficient.
I use lists in other areas of my life as well. But that is a story for another day.
Happy shopping!!

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